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New Fire Ministries Inc.
Equipping the church to change the world
At New Fire Ministries, we are dedicated to a lifestyle of worship of the one true God. Committed to the Biblical standard of what it means to be a Christ-follower, from being loved by Him, to learning to love others through Him, we believe in the necessity of equipping believers to change their community and the world around them.
Psalm 104:4
he makes his messengers winds,
his ministers a flaming fire.

Our Mission
Purpose and Culture

Empowering Gods people to operate in the full rest of Christ for the advancement of His Kingdom.

What We Believe
We are non-denominational body, that believe in Christ Jesus. We believe He came in the flesh lived a sinless life and died a sinner's death to set us free. In such if we confess with our mouths and believe in our hearts that He is Lord, then we are born again and made children of God, and this makes us family to one another. We believe the bible is the inherit word of God, and we live by God's word alone. We believe everything written in His word is still alive today, because He is the same yesterday, today and to come. We know God still speaks to His people both directly and through His people, God still heals, God still performs miracles all of the gifts are alive and well, and they are for the uplifting of His children. We believe that we are family and here to uplift one another, and shoulder one another's burdens. We also live very closely to 1 Corinthians 1:12-14 believing the church should unite in our agreements and not divide in our differences, following Titus 3:9. We believe every part of the bible is for today and all the gifts are alive and active to bring Glory to God

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